Thursday, February 27, 2014

Emotional Mountains

Being on top of a mountain is a good reminder of how small we really are. It's so easy to feel lost and small and insignificant when faced with large obstacles whether you take it literally or figuratively. In the literal sense, I climbed Sharp Top Mountain in Virginia last weekend and as we approached the base of the mountain I looked up and it just seemed so big. I was feeling tired and already unmotivated to put forth the effort to do the hike, but out of a sense of obligation I decided to just go for it. Now while the hike was strenuous at some times and i didn't feel very accomplished in the process, it was all worth it as we reached the summit. As i stood on top of that mountain and looked off into the distance at the city of Lynchburg and the surrounding mountains I felt so good.
In the same sense, it is easy to look at the looming stresses and challenges in life and want to give up. Recently I have been looking at my emotional mountains and just wishing I could take a bus up to the top and skip all the hard stuff. The emotional battles are hardest. I may choose to climb a mountain, or overcome a fear, but i don't wake up and decide I want to feel discouraged or lonely. When you're at the bottom of your mountain, whatever it may be, it can be so hard to start the journey. The two things that keep me going are simple, but encouraging: 1. There is always a reward, a sense of accomplishment, after conquering a struggle. When I arrive at the summit, i can look back and say that the struggle was worth it. When I arrive at a place where I can enjoy the beauty and the blessings in life, i know i have overcome something of this world. 2. God is always with us. And that, my friends, is the most encouraging truth of all.

To conclude, I guess I must say as a reminder to myself and anyone who needs to hear it: do not lose hope, and trust the Lord always. That is all.
p.s. been over a year since I started this thing and since I last posted... whoops! Maybe I'll actually commit this time around.

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